Auto Injuries

 Auto Injuries

If you’ve been in an auto accident, Dr. John Boyle and Dr. Stephanie Burkett at Hazel Green Chiropractic & Wellness Center – your auto injury doctor in Hazel Green, AL, – can help you recover naturally and fully.

Auto Accident Injuries and Chiropractic Care

You’re driving along headed to work or the grocery store. One minute, everything is fine. The next, your body is being forcibly jostled around your vehicle. You’ve been hit by another moving vehicle – one that seems to have come out of nowhere.

After ensuring everyone is okay, taking a look at the damage, making a report, and seeking emergency care, you head home. Other than some emotional turmoil and maybe a few bumps and bruises, you seem to be fine. You switch your focus to insurance claims and getting back on the road.

A few days – or weeks – later, you realize that your neck is really stiff, your head hurts constantly, it’s difficult to lean over, and other symptoms are showing up. Where did they come from and what exactly is going on? Dr. Boyle and Dr. Burkett at Hazel Green Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Hazel Green, AL, provide insight as well as how an auto injury doctor can help.

Auto Accident Injuries

Whether minor or severe, your body sustains a force during a collision. And that force has an unfortunate habit of wreaking havoc throughout the musculoskeletal system. A common victim is the neck, as it tends to get forced around the most if you’re wearing a seatbelt. However, issues can occur anywhere in the body.

The problem is that most people don’t notice it at first. The shock and emotional stress of the collision make them almost numb to symptoms. And unfortunately, these symptoms – when not addressed – can cause problems for the rest of their lives.

Chiropractic Care for Auto Injury

After seeking emergency care, it’s vital to see a chiropractor. Chiropractors can assess your whole musculoskeletal system, detecting injuries before you even notice them. They can then create a treatment plan to help the body heal itself naturally, which can include but is not limited to the following:

  • Spinal adjustments and manipulation to restore alignment throughout the body
  • Spinal traction and decompression to address any herniated discs, nerve compression, sciatica, and more
  • PNF stretching to relax and strengthen tense and damaged soft tissues
  • Electrical stimulation therapy to further help relax muscles and improve blood flow to the damaged area

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Boyle and Dr. Burkett at Hazel Green Chiropractic & Wellness Center – your auto injury doctor in Hazel Green, AL, – by calling (256) 828-4288 today.